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Sound and Pictures

 This is me exploring the world of film. Here I put sounds and music to films I've collected from nature, literature and my own head.


I wrote this poem in mid January ('21). It started out as a list of things to be thankful for. I was trying to pick myself up from a little slump with the weather and the situation during the pandemic. 

After a while it became this poem and I added some harp to highlight positive points. I shared it on social media to try and bring some hope to a bleak situation. At the same time it was sort of therapeutic to create it.

Thankful - A Poem

Quote in Sound

Quote in Sound

In this film, I explore the words of Maya Angelou in music. 

"I love this quote, I'm a real 'feeler' and genuinely will remember more about how a person made me feel than what they said or did. On occasion I've met someone and something's just not 'felt' right. I believe it's right to give a second chance, but I do remember when a person has made me feel two feet tall and it may not be what they said, but the way they said it, or when someone never really gives you their full attention, "ahhh right..." says Joe Bloggs as you mention a dying relative.

On the other hand, there are people who make you feel great about life, people who make you feel like a human being rather than something on the floor. The people who make you feel great about living are the people I aspire to be like and it's not what they do, or what they say, but they're the people who respect you, for you.


At times there have been people who've caught me off guard simply by asking me a question about my day, they've made me feel valued and I hope to be someone who makes others feel valued. In this film, I explored the ways people can make you feel and it was inspired by Maya Angelou's iconic quote."


Waves of Winter

This is my first short film, taken on my iPhone, around Weston-super-Mare. The sound is produced largely by using instruments, including an Ocean drum and a bodhran.

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